Revelation Book

So, I’ve written a book on Revelation. We made it available serially at the church this summer as we preached through Revelation, so you can read or download it here for free in 11 parts. If you have thoughts or insights, I’d definitely take them.

Just for a primer, it is part commentary but focused on what the text focuses on: Jesus and how He is calling us to live (and so the official title is The Lamb and His Faithful Witnesses: A Devotional and Practical Guide to Revelation). Rather than dealing with the speculative interpretations of Revelation that are so common in some circles, my purpose is to draw attention to Jesus and worship of Him while looking at the tools Revelation gives us for following Him. He is the sacrificial Lamb of God who wins the great victory over sin, evil, and death by His death and resurrection; He calls us to win battles for His Kingdom by our faithfulness to Him in the face of suffering and death.

So, enjoy. May the Lord use it for His purposes and for His glory.

In Christ the King,


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